The Twilight Party
Krista and Tiff threw a great Twilight party a week or so ago. It was so fun to hang out with the girls and have a good time. Here are a few highlights:
Wow, with that pasty white skin and those glowing red eyes you might think I was a vampire... and not the vegetarian kind...
(Minus the incredible beauty, of coarse:-P )
Jen, looking beautiful.
Her name tag says: HELLO My name is Bella Swan (I wish)
Krista gave us the idea to make Twilight shirts. Mine says:
Forget Princess... I want to be a Vampire
Here is a close up. (Sorry for the boob shot!) My name tag says: Hello my name is Rosalie (Don't hate me because I'm beautiful).
Thanks for the name tag idea Jen! I figured if she got to be Bella, at least I could be the most beautiful girl Bella had ever seen ;-)
Oh, and thanks to my sister in law Jenny for helping me make my shirt. She is a computer whiz!
Zane's Snowboarding Lesson
Zane didn't win, but I thought he did a fantastic job. He had to change poems at the last minute, and was able to learn all that in one afternoon. What a great kid he is.
Several other things have happened that I want to share, but this is getting long. Check back next week to see about Zane's first concert, his first adult tooth, Nyah's pink toenails and new jelly shoes, Nyah's first try at rock climbing, and my first 5k run ever.