Wednesday, April 15, 2009

To Catch Up...

I have so much I want to blog about, but so little time to do it in. Here is what I can cram in for the moment!

My sister in law Kim won tickets for raising money for Walk MS to the David Archuleta concert and gave them to Zane! She had to work the night of the concert, so I got to go with him instead of Aunt Kimmie. Zane loves David like you wouldn't believe. Every time I turn on the radio he asks if I can try to find an Archuleta song. I told Zane that David is a member of the same church that we attend. One day I was cleaning the living room because someone from church was coming over. Zane excitedly asked, "is it David Archuleta?" I said "No, unfortunately we would have to win a chance to see him." And then, like a week later, Kim won tickets! Zane was THRILLED to say the least!

Me and Zane chillin' before the concert

Me and Zane goofing off with earplugs.

Zane in front of the crowd. As the crowd began to do the wave before David came on, Zane asked, "why are they doing that?" and I said, "because it is fun." He then put his hands in the air and said, "Wooooooooooo!" He LOVES the wave. Also, right as David was about to come out everyone was chanting, "Da-vid, Da-vid, Da-vid" so of coarse Zane jumped right in and joined the millions of excited fans in welcoming David onto the stage :-)

Since the show started at 7:30 (Zane's bedtime), and there were 2 opening acts, it was quite late by the time David came out. Zane danced to the first 3 or 4 songs and then conked out on his seat. I leaned him against me for most of the rest of the show, but I figured we should leave before the crowd since Zane was out of it.... and waaaaaay to heavy for me to carry!

The next morning I got up bright and early to run my first 5k. This was taken right after I finished. My time was 31 min and about 27 seconds. That is about a 6mph run!

Later that day we all went to the park. Jeff played ball with the kids, and coincidentally, they had a ball doing it ;-)

The swings were next. Nyah giggled the whole time, and I couldn't stop chuckling about Zane's hat and glasses.

Here is a photo of Nyah's first rock climbing experience. She really enjoyed it. She sure makes one cute little monkey girl.

Here is a shot of Zane's new shark tooth. See the little white dot behind is front bottom tooth on the left? The one on the other side has started to come in too, so we have been wiggling the baby teeth every day to try to prevent him from needing them to be pulled. I hope they come out soon.
There is so much more to tell, but I am so tired, and I need to get to bed. I hope I will have time to post Walk MS photos soon. Until then....


Pauly said...

you are such a FUN mom! And good work on the 5K you are such a motivation!

The Davendorks said...

Way to go on the RUN!! Funny thing is we were sitting right by the family that started the wave at the show. It looks like you and Zane were on the other side. I'll see if I can see you in my wave video:) Good times. Your kids are so cute.

Sherami said...

I loved the pic of Zane asleep at the concert! So cute! Awesome job on the run, too; I'm seriously impressed!

Chrystal said...

AWESOME! How fun!! Way to run a 5K!! I'm so proud of you! Thanks for the update! We're excited to see you guys on Friday!

Amyhop said...

Nyah's hair is getting so long! It's always good to see pics of everyone...keep the updates coming!

Jill said...

Zane has good taste in music. I love David A. too. The pics of the kids playing with their daddy are sooo cute. Good job on the run, I am amazed at anyone that can run at all. Me not a runner, it kills my knees. I wish I could run again cuz I was in great shape when I could. Have a wonderful weekend.

Rachelle & Jared Crowder said...

So fun! So busy! What a fun week! What a nice time to get to have with Zane all to yourself!